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Who I work with

I work with clients who are Autistic and have ADHD

A common struggle I see in my work is internalised shame. Many individuals, especially those who have found out about their Autism and ADHD later in life, have experienced years of internal and external criticism. They have crafted a complex and effective mask to disguise their differences in a desperate attempt to avoid social exclusion and bullying. As a result, they may become people-pleasers, have low self-esteem and lack sense-of-self. Because their individual needs might have been neglected, they may struggle to identify what they need, cope with their emotions and trust in their abilities. On the other hand, they may be extremely self-aware, constantly analysing their mental processes


The weight of carrying all this is exhausting.

The clients who see positive results from counselling acknowledge that there is no quick-fix for their struggles and understand that healing takes time. They approach counselling ready to embrace trial-and-error and a willingness to try new things in order to facilitate self-growth and improve mental wellbeing. These clients choose to welcome vulnerability and put the work in outside of our counselling sessions.


...They also know that I'm here to help navigate their journey alongside them, supporting them through the ups and the downs.

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